Archive for category Fun

Mad Dogs And Englishmen

Just to prove I don’t have sex on the brain, here’s another story about pointless science or technology and this time it has nothing to do with sex (unless you believe in the Watson Conjecture). It’s all about the UV index, and how we so called Homo Sapiens Sapiens, which literally means ‘man wise wise’ are too stupid to figure out how bad we’re going to get sunburned without some weather person telling us how bad the UV is. I mean, it’s not like I can open my eyes, gaze into the heavens, and arrive at my own estimate as to how much UV is making it through the clouds or clear skies as the case may be.

But now the European Space Agency, ESA, has gone high tech with it. Yep, they have developed “safe sunning” technology using satellites to determine and inform you of the UV index:

Thanks to an innovative service called HappySun, the UV Index can be delivered directly to mobile phones via SMS or can be accessed on the Internet. HappySun calculates the UV Index throughout the day by using ESA satellite data on radiation, ozone and cloud coverage. The service has just completed its two-year-long test phase and has received positive feedback from users.
“HappySun is a tool for the primary prevention of skin cancer,” Franco Marsili, Director of the Dermatology Clinic at the Versilia Hospital in Italy, said. “The aim is to educate people about the intelligent ‘use’ of the sun.”

Gee, I don’t know how I’ve avoided skin cancer so far without this revolutionary space age technology to tell me how long I can stay in the sun without getting a sunburn. I’ve been saying to myself for years I just can’t figure out how long I can stay in the sun without a reliable UV index.

We really should change our offical name to Homo Stupidus Stupidus.


A Jug Of Wine, And Thou

You can get a grant for a study like this?

Studies to date looking at the association between alcohol consumption and risky sex, however, have largely used potentially biased clinic-based samples or alcohol venue-based sampling strategies [2,4,10,13,16,17]. In addition, risk factors for heavy alcohol use itself with regard to sexual behavior have not yet been adequately characterized. Finally, there are few data on whether the relationship between alcohol and risky sex is the same for men and women, and on the interplay between alcohol, intergenerational relations, and sex exchange. We therefore set out to assess the following in a large, population-based sample covering rural, urban, and semi-urban areas in Botswana: (a) the prevalence and correlates of heavy alcohol consumption; and (b) gender-specific relationships between heavy alcohol use (as a primary independent variable) and a number of HIV transmission risk outcomes, including having unprotected sex with a nonmonogamous partner, having multiple partners, and paying for or selling sex in exchange for money or resources.

As Gomer would say, surprise surprise surprise. When drunk, people are more likely to engage in risky sex. I could have told you that more clearly for less money. Far less money. It’s the basis for men buying women (and vice versa) drinks in bars. In fact, I’ll give this one to you for free – alcohol consumption lowers inhibitions.

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The Return Of Sea Buckthorn

I just couldn’t resist the title: Ghengis Khan Wonder Berry Could Conquer Heart Disease. OK, mix one old folk remedy with modern technology and voila: a headline I can’t resist. Hope it works, but perhaps we should just eat the berries, drink the wine, and spend more time getting excercise in the great outdoors.

Nah, just give me the extract so I can sit on the couch and watch sports.


News You Hope Is True

File under News You Hope Is True: Chocolate Chip cookies that lower cholesterol. My mother, who still believes something has to taste awful for it to be good for you (ahh, the joys of cod liver oil) would not approve. Find out all about them at the Right Direction Cookies website.

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The New Phonebooks are Here!

The Nobel prize winners have been in the news lately, and so here is a complete listing:

  • NUTRITION: Wasmia Al-Houty of Kuwait University and Faten Al-Mussalam of the Kuwait Environment Public Authority, for showing that dung beetles are finicky eaters.
  • PEACE: Howard Stapleton of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, for inventing an electromechanical teenager repellant — a device that makes annoying noise designed to be audible to teenagers but not to adults; and for later using that same technology to make telephone ringtones that are audible to teenagers but not to their teachers.
  • ACOUSTICS: D. Lynn Halpern (of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, and Brandeis University, and Northwestern University), Randolph Blake (of Vanderbilt University and Northwestern University) and James Hillenbrand (of Western Michigan University and Northwestern University) for conducting experiments to learn why people dislike the sound of fingernails scraping on a blackboard.
  • MATHEMATICS: Nic Svenson and Piers Barnes of the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization, for calculating the number of photographs you must take to (almost) ensure that nobody in a group photo will have their eyes closed
  • LITERATURE: Daniel Oppenheimer of Princeton University for his report “Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly.”
  • MEDICINE: Francis M. Fesmire of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, for his medical case report “Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage”; and Majed Odeh, Harry Bassan, and Arie Oliven of Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel, for their subsequent medical case report also titled “Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage.”
  • PHYSICS: Basile Audoly and Sebastien Neukirch of the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, in Paris, for their insights into why, when you bend dry spaghetti, it often breaks into more than two pieces.
  • CHEMISTRY: Antonio Mulet, Jose Javier Benedito and Jose Bon of the University of Valencia, Spain, and Carmen Rossello of the University of Illes Balears, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, for their study “Ultrasonic Velocity in Cheddar Cheese as Affected by Temperature.”

That would be the Ig Nobel prizes, that is. They are awarded to those who first make people laugh, then make them think. Something we strive mightily for here at funMurphys, but without the coveted award.

Some winners got into the spirit, as this press release shows.

BIOLOGY: Bart Knols (of Wageningen Agricultural University, in Wageningen, the Netherlands; and of the National Institute for Medical Research, in Ifakara Centre, Tanzania, and of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in Vienna Austria) and Ruurd de Jong (of Wageningen Agricultural University and of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Italy) for showing that the female malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae is attracted equally to the smell of limburger cheese and to the smell of human feet.


Overflowing With Good Health

In honor of Tom McMahon and his comment about healthy gals on Telemundo and Univision, I give you Iris Chacon, the healthiest gal of them all.

When she was at her peak I was living in California where spanish language TV channels were mainstream. And yes, I watched her show.


The Four Ecumenical Truisms

It is important for those of all faiths to recognize these four religious truths:

1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God’s chosen people.

2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the Leader of the Christian world.

4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.

Pluto Is Too A Planet

Astronomers can take Pluto away when they pry my dead, cold fingers from it.

And let’s not even mention Uranus.


Alton Brown Speaks

I am so jealous – Alton Brown is my favorite guy on the Food Network, and oddly enough there are several good shows on the network (Iron Chef and Emeril are not included). The thing I like best, even more than the light hearted humor (I especially liked the show where he shooed the women away making origami for a moment so he could show us men how to properly make our own deep fried corndogs and sliders) is the sheer inspiration as I always want to cook after watching his show. Yes, I want to get in touch with my inner man and provide food for my family.

Well, Jeff Harrell lucked into a couple of tickets to hear him speak at the Smithsonian (who knew they hosted anything relevant and happening?):

First things first: Alton Brown is both taller and chunkier in person than he looks on TV. It befits the host of a popular show about food and cooking to measure a few extra nautical miles around the equator, so to speak, and Brown carries the excess tonnage well. It’s all part of his slightly-larger-than-life persona, from his trademark wire-rimmed glasses to his spiky blond hair to his effervescent attitude.Okay, enough of that writerly crap. On to the good stuff.

Alton Brown is funny. Seriously, he’s a funny guy. And he knows it too. His lecture – and I’m using the word “lecture” here in its most abstract sense – was a performing-without-a-net operation from the very beginning. He took the stage to enthusiastic applause and confessed that he was going to fulfill two lifelong dreams tonight: He was going to lecture at the Smithsonian Institution – “the frickin” Smithsonian, he said with unrestrained glee – and he was going to appear on “Inside the Actor’s Studio” with James Lipton.

I’d always heard the camera adds a few pounds, but apparently not (or perhaps Mr. Brown has put his weight on while on the road and after shooting episodes for his main show, Good Eats).

And as far as Ted Drews goes, that’s a St. Louis institution of longstanding. It would be nice if it got some national recognition.

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I Want My Nintendo

Will Nintendo beat Sony and Microsoft in the next round of the gaming console wars? This guy thinks so. My vote will go to whichever company can provide me their latest console loaded with hot software to test and report on. (Yes, I’m still waiting on a wall mounted Plasma TV to review). Because I don’t want to end up like this guy – writing about really old video games with fondness. I want to be able to say that back in my day, the games were lousy, and I’m glad I have the latest gear. I want to say I’m glad the designers of today only care about how good a game looks and don’t care what it plays like.

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