I keep hearing talk by conservative bloggers about sitting out the 2006 elections to punish the GOP. Does the GOP deserve punishment? Boy, and how. But who exactly would we be punishing, and who would we be rewarding? Do you think Bush is bad on immigration for not being strict enough, why would you let the Democrats, who are far less strict, take over? If you think the Republicans are spending too much, why would you let the Democrats, who would both spend more and tax more, take over? If you don’t care for Frist and Hastert, why do you think Reid and Pelosi would be an improvement. Yes, I would like to cast my vote for somebody, but believe me, if I need to I will cast it against somebody.

As far as punishment goes, you’ll be punishing the whole nation, and yourselves especially. Yes, some congresspeople would be out of a job, for about half a nano-second until they joined K-Street and made real money for a change.

And what makes you think the message would be that the GOP needs to be more conservative? The Democrats could win in a walk if they moved to the center, but they have chosen (so far) to move to the left. Why do you think the GOP will be any better at reading the tea leaves after the fact then before the fact?