I didn’t see the President’s speech last night as I was at my daughter’s orchestra concert. And then picking up my son from scouts. And then walking the dog. In the rain. Uphill. Both ways.

I have read the speech, and I think it is a dandy. Because it does everything it should, it will be condemned by extremists on both sides, plus the usual Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferers. I’m not an immigration extremist – I don’t think we should just let everybody in who wants to be an American, nor can I find it in my heart to condemn people who have yes, broken the law by coming here, but not done anything wrong (IMHO) because they have come here because yes, Virginia, this is the best country in the world. And doubly so when we did next to nothing once they made it here.

I have only one question for President Bush: I know you’re plates been full, but what took so long?

The next question is what will Congress do? My prediction – not much slowly.