Phil Carter has a superb roundup of Marines decorated for valor in Iraq. These are the best of the best.

Phil also has a couple of good posts about the failure of leadership at Abu Ghraib. And while I share the concern that the leadership be held accountable as well, I figure you should always unravel and prosecute from the bottom up. That way, you can go as high as the rot goes, while if you start where you think the top is and go down, you can’t go back higher than where you started. And I’d rather have the lower ranked people implicate and testify against higher ranked people; it just wouldn’t sit right for a general to get leniency for giving up her captains.

That reminds me – so far I’ve heard of privates, corporals, and sergeants performing the abuse, and then we jump to General Karpinski — what about all the officers in between? General Taguba faults the officers from the brigade commander on down — what happened to the “on down”? Just asking.