Do I care who wins tonight — Fantasia or Diana? Nope. Not anymore. We stopped watching American Idol the night Fantasia, La Toya, and Jennifer were in the bottom three. OK, I hope Fantasia wins, but I’m done watching the show. I could barely stand the cruelty (no, not Simon, but getting voted off live); by taping the show and fast forwarding I could cut out all the filler; but I couldn’t take the bizarre results.

Instead, we watch Oblivious on Tuesday nights. It’s the game show you don’t even know you’re on, and my wife wants to be a contestant. The host does wacky stuff to somebody while he slips in five questions – for every right answer, you get $20. The contestant from the first segment goes on to do wacky stuff and ask five questions of some other poor rube, and for every right answer, they get $100. Like many good cable shows, it’s based on a British show. The fun isn’t in the questions, but the wacky stuff. I’m amazed that often the contestant who is the most uptight while a contestant is the wackiest as the questioner. So if you’re looking to watch something Tuesday nights now that Idol is (thankfully) over, tune in to Oblivious on Spike TV 8-10 PM CDT. You won’t regret it.