Posts Tagged American Idol

American Oblivious Idol

Do I care who wins tonight — Fantasia or Diana? Nope. Not anymore. We stopped watching American Idol the night Fantasia, La Toya, and Jennifer were in the bottom three. OK, I hope Fantasia wins, but I’m done watching the show. I could barely stand the cruelty (no, not Simon, but getting voted off live); by taping the show and fast forwarding I could cut out all the filler; but I couldn’t take the bizarre results.

Instead, we watch Oblivious on Tuesday nights. It’s the game show you don’t even know you’re on, and my wife wants to be a contestant. The host does wacky stuff to somebody while he slips in five questions – for every right answer, you get $20. The contestant from the first segment goes on to do wacky stuff and ask five questions of some other poor rube, and for every right answer, they get $100. Like many good cable shows, it’s based on a British show. The fun isn’t in the questions, but the wacky stuff. I’m amazed that often the contestant who is the most uptight while a contestant is the wackiest as the questioner. So if you’re looking to watch something Tuesday nights now that Idol is (thankfully) over, tune in to Oblivious on Spike TV 8-10 PM CDT. You won’t regret it.


TV Nation

I don’t know if our habits are normal, but we don’t watch much network TV in the Murphy Family. The Fruit of the Murphy Loins tend to stick with the kid channels – Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon Network being their Big Three. The Fearless Leaders watch a lot of Style, TLC, and HGTV. Over time our shows have varied – we watch a lot less Room by Room or Design on a Dime and a lot more House Hunters and Devine Design. We’d watch more Dreamhouse if it could keep to a regular schedule. The only normal show we watch on any station is Monk, and it isn’t that normal — including the shortest season ever. (I don’t consider what, four shows, a real season, but what choice do I have?)

The only network shows we make it a point to see are Survivor and American Idol. Yeah, I know, how trendy of us. But other than that you have a slew of unfunny comedies (outside of King of Queens) and the dramas seem to be part of either the Law and Order franchise or the CSI franchise, and quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of doctor and lawyer shows. And neither my wife or I are all that happy with Survivor All Stars or American Idol 3.

The competition in American Idol 3 is between Fantasia and LaToya. I don’t think anyone else is in the running, but it will be months of too long shows before we find out. And I’m still miffed that Scooter Girl didn’t make the cut, that the blonde cheerleader didn’t make the cut, and that Amy Adams got voted out so early. I’m having trouble with the cruelty as well – no not Simon – but the whole finding out you lost live on national TV – I thought it was especially bad on the wild card show when so many had to leave. Speaking of Simon, he’s trying too hard with those analogies and too often they just don’t make sense. I can’t abide most of the celebrity judges: Quentin Tarrantino was just annoying. I don’t know how much longer we’ll be watching.

Survivor is an odd show, and All Stars is even odder. What I enjoy about Survivor is the study of human nature it provides. What the players don’t seem to appreciate is that it is the triumph of the mediocre (and lucky). The first half, the teams vote out the weak sisters (like Sonja) or the too annoying (like hole man Peter). The second half, the stronger are voted out by the weaker, and then the winner is the one who pissed off the fewest of the jury. How else do you account for winners like Tina, Vecepia, or Sondra? The classiest winner was Ethan, and the strongest winner was Brian, whose people manipulation skills are unrivaled on the show. Compare him to Rob C or Johny Fairplay – not only was he far better at challenges, he ran the game so smoothly that people trusted him even after they were voted off — and he still barely beat Clay, one of the more annoying Survivor players. I think he is a sociopath, but he was a great player.

That brings us to Survivor All Stars – where a lot of the players know each other already. So the prior winners were dispatched first. Players were quitting left and right. And then Lex was too smart by half and started playing the end game before the opening game was over – eliminating stronger rivals during the team play which just killed his team. When his team didn’t vote out Amber when it had the chance I made my displeasure known quite forcefully (and the rest of the family let me know about their displeasure). So I wasn’t too surprised when he got the ax. The thing is, even when Lex played like an idiot, I still liked the guy. But I can’t stand Boston Rob. And by the looks of things, the next few weeks of Survivor will be featuring his smirk quite prominently. We may miss a few weeks.

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Clay or Reuben?

While I spent most of the evening playing ball with The Fruit Of The Murphy LoinsTM last night, we did come in to watch part of American Idol. So now its come down to Clay and Reuben. Neither of them is my cup of tea (my favorite, Vanessa, is long gone), but they both are great singers. My wife tried to vote for Clay — she thinks Reuben just sings the same song all the time — but couldn’t get through for three hours. Welcome to American, the land of instant celebrity. It isn’t about being the best singer in America, just the best known.


A Shameful Moment Of Weakness

I have a terrible confession to make. Last night not only did I watch part of American Idol, I actually dialed the phone and voted for Vanessa. Why did I do such a terrible thing? Well, she actually sang the notes of her song, and didn’t warble all over the place, and when Simon told her that, as a compliment, she should lose a few pounds, her reaction was priceless. While she waggled her butt in the faces of America (and the judges) she told us how she had a booty like J Lo. I’ve seen J Lo’s booty, and Vanessa, yours is nothing like it. But you got style, and that’s better than J Lo’s booty, or J Lo’s body. When you sat on the couch with Ryan and recounted the experience by flashing two thumbs up, giving a big smile, and saying “you’re fat!” I knew I had to vote for you.


American Idol

I didn’t watch the show the first time, and I doubt I’ll watch it much this time. Since I happen to live in America, I heard plenty about it the first time. And I have managed to catch a few of the open audition episodes this time around. Frankly, I don’t see the attraction. You have people with a wide range of talent, from good to really, really awful (people who’s singing is worse than mine, and that’s saying a lot) and then three judges react. I don’t know what the big deal is about Simon Cowell, he’s not just being honest, he’s trying to do these people a favor. Some of the contestants honestly don’t seem to realize just what terrible singers they are – a candy coated rejection will keep them hanging on to their misperception. Much better to give them an honest appraisal, and be brutal to those who think they can sing when they can’t. I wouldn’t have thought that until I saw people who, after demonstrating their clear inability to carry a tune in a bucket, want to argue that they are talented singers. You need a two by four to get the attention of a mule; you need brutality to get the attention of the self-delusional.

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