Not everything goes to plan.

I was a little too focused on getting a picture of the turtles. Okay way too focused.
Most of the time the phone camera knows what I want. But not every time.
Gah. Every trip I take this shot several times. Every trip.
Stunning scenery, and I’m trying to tuck my phone in my back pocket. Like anyone would notice.
Yep, trying to put my phone in the back pocket. Again.
There were this school of tiny fish, which you can’t see, and my silhouette, which is the only thing you can see.
No, this isn’t staged at all. This is a natural action shot of me getting ready to eat lunch. Or something.
When you grab your phone as you’re getting out of the car and somehow you take a picture.
I have no idea. At all.
No I’m not baring my teeth like a cornered rat, I’m smiling. Yep, smiling.
Why am I talking while taking a Y’awlie? Who knows? I sure don’t.
Am I thinking about the 750 feet of rock between me and the sky? Maybe, but that presupposes I think at all.
Wind? In the Southwest? Never!
Most of the time the phone camera knows what I want. But not every time.
Wind, gypsum, what more does one need? Focus? Entirety overrated.
The sky, of course. You so rarely get to see it, perhaps I thought you might want to see it. Who knows? Not me.
Most of the time if you’re in a beautiful place the picture takes care of itself. The clouds just add a surprising touch of elegance. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.