Today dawned in a new location so we had to learn all the quirks of a new Keurig (company motto: no two alike!) and cooking bacon and eggs and mushrooms on a hot plate – I discovered after a while turning it to the max setting was the most important thing.

Then it was off to Erin’s and then Home Depot for supplies to add storage space on Erin’s attic. No plan survives first contact with the enemy and that’s all I’m going to say about that except sorry. And she has no more space than yesterday. And I was told I’d be replacing a ceiling fan with no mention of attics. Okay now that’s all I’m going to say.

We spent the rest of the day together, ending up at River Jam at the National Whitewater Center with a couple of her friends and their dogs. We never could agree what style Justin Fedor & the Denim Denim play but to me it was laid back country.

Today’s ussie by proxy
No whitewater anywhere near? No problem! Just create your own river and have a knob that goes to eleven
I’m sure it feels the same as a real river even if it doesn’t look the same
Even a suave sophisticate has a bad hair day (once a decade)