We went to church with Erin, then came back to our AirBnB before a late lunch where we got to meet a friend of Erin’s, then a walk in the park (Freedom), then a stop at Lidl for cereal (and visit an Aldi rival we’d never been to before), then got back together for dinner and relaxation. When a young person picks the places you go, you see a lot more young people than when somebody my age picks.

The street layout of Charlotte is like a bowl of spaghetti thrown against the wall (see The Odd Couple) – roads wiggle every which way without rhyme or reason. Uptown (Charlotte calls its downtown Uptown) is laid out on a grid. Beyond that, it’s every road for itself, with roads frequently changing names, a maze that was made for turn by turn directions.

Our traveling Sunday Best
When the deer showed up at our Airbnb in the mountains, I shrugged. When the deer showed up at our Airbnb in town, I took a picture. The iPhone decided to focus on the screen for some reason.
Yuengling does nothing for me, but I know for some of you a picture like this sets your heart racing
Another beautiful day